This is a chance for you to tell us about your views regarding repairs that have recently been carried out in your home. Over the next few weeks, you may receive a survey from Target Applications who will send it to our tenants on our behalf. Target Applications will send the survey to you by …

Tenants Information Service
The Scottish Housing Regulator (SHR) is recruiting 12 volunteer Tenant Advisors. This is an exciting opportunity for tenants of social landlords to inform the Regulator’s work and bring a tenant perspective to their scrutiny of landlords’ services. Individuals from all walks of life are encouraged to apply for this voluntary position and be instrumental in …

Money Support Scotland
Lots of people are worried about money right now. If you’re one of them, then Money Support Scotland may be able to help you find the support you need. Visit to find out more about the free financial support available to you

Practice your escape plan
Practicing your escape plan in advance will help everyone to stay calm if there is a fire It doesn’t take long to make an escape plan and it could save lives. Take a look at…/at-home/escape-plan…

Having difficulty paying your rent?
Having difficulty paying your rent? In some cases, it’ll be obvious why you’re struggling. Perhaps your income or expenses have suddenly changed for the worse… In other cases, it might simply be you’re living beyond your means. Either way, you’ll need a plan. We know that it can be a difficult and stressful time if …

Our Rent Consultation Survey runs from 25th November 2022 to 27th January 2023.
The Scottish Government has said that landlords cannot increase rents before 31 March 2023. Clydesdale Housing Association normally applies a rent increase each year – we confirm this in writing each February. We are required by law to consult customers about any proposed change. We must also explain how we may change what we do …

Avoiding condensation
Avoiding condensation Condensation is the most common form of unwanted dampness in buildings and occurs when warm moist air comes into contact with a cold surface. Keep homes winter warm We all find that the winter months can be a struggle. With cold, wintry weather; shorter, darker days, we spend more time at home and …

£200 free heating voucher
The Association is pleased to announce that we have, once again, obtained funding through the Social Housing Fuel Support Fund to enable Clydesdale Housing Association to pay £200 directly to your energy supplier on your behalf. This is an increase of £30, on the last two previous payments we have made. This free £200 payment …

2022 Tenant Satisfaction Results
Clydesdale Housing Association (CHA) recently completed a survey of all its tenants, to gauge overall levels of satisfaction and to help identify households struggling with the cost-of-living crisis. Representative sample In total 455 interviews were conducted, which is a 54% sample of CHA’s tenants, was carried out by Research Resource, an independent market research company. …

Ministerial Visit to Clydesdale Housing Association
Humza Yousaf, Secretary for Health and Social Care and Mairi McAllan, Minister for Environment, Biodiversity and Land Reform made a joint Ministerial visit to Lanark-based Clydesdale Housing Association this week. Mr Yousaf and Ms McAllan toured the CHA Community Hub and learned about the supporting role the Association plays in the rural community – partnerships …

CHA Community Hub Opens Officially
Clydesdale Housing Association’s CHA Community Hub in Lanark has been officially opened by Mairi McAllan MSP and Minister for Environment & Land Reform. Part of a new build project that delivered four flats for social rent and offices for the Housing Association, the CHA Community Hub was constructed in February 2020 – however, just a …

Our Spring 2023 newsletter has now been published!
Our Spring 2023 newsletter has now been published! You will find articles on the opening of our Community HUB, the work we are carrying out to support our tenants with the cost of living rise and lots of useful information on how we can help you during this difficult time. Click the link …

Our Community Event on Thursday the 24th of August 10:00-12:00
We are happy to be hosting a Community Event on 24th August 10:00-12:00 at our community hub in Lanark – 39 North Vennel. Everyone is welcome to come along and learn about local services that are available, along with meeting some of our hub users. Come along to have a chat, biscuit, and cuppa. View …

Talk to us for free!!!
We are pleased to announce that our customers can now contact us using a freephone number. Our new general enquiries number is 0808 175 6288 and replaces the 01555 665316 number. This new number will be completely free regardless of whether people are calling from a mobile phone or a landline. Customers calling the old …

Long Weekend Ahead
Our staff are off Friday 22nd September 2023 and Monday 25th September 2023 for the holiday weekend. Need to contact us while we are closed? Detailed below is a list of telephone numbers, so that any emergency repairs you have can be dealt with while we are closed. If you smell gas or suspect a …

Office closure for staff training
On Wednesday, the 25th of October 2023, all CHA staff will be attending a training session between 9.00 am and 2.00 pm. Our offices will be closed, and phone lines will be unavailable during this period. If you have an emergency repair during this period, please call 01555 435944 For all other enquiries please call …

Our Annual Performance Report for 2022-23
Our Annual Performance Report for 2022-23 will be with you soon, look out for these over the next few days. Alternatively, you can access it on our website here

Have your say! Tenant Consultation Deadline is Friday the 26th of January 2024.
We’re conducting a Rent Review so that tenants can have their say on the rent levels for 2024/25. Click here for further details on the options you are being consulted on. There are several ways you can have your say, you can: • Complete the consultation form in the newsletter and return it to us …

Our gas safety inspection programme has now started.
The Association are required under Health & Safety legislation to maintain all gas appliances it provides in a safe condition. As well as carrying out necessary repairs and maintenance work on gas appliances we carry out annual inspections to check the condition of appliances and flues. Our contractor, J. Frood & Sons, 47 Wellgate, Lanark, …

Storm Jocelyn
Due to the awful weather and very poor driving conditions, our office will close at 3.00pm today. This will enable staff to travel home in the daylight and reduce the already high risks of travelling. We will continue to provide our full range of services; however, these will be restricted to contact either by phone …