2022 Annual General Meeting Report

Our 2022 AGM

We held our AGM on 7th September 2022 in Lanark Memorial Hall, with thirty-four members in attendance.

The Association’s auditors, Alexander Sloan Chartered Accountants, provided Members an overview of the Accounts for the year ended 31 March 2022. Alexander Sloan Chartered Accountants were subsequently re-appointed as auditors for the year ending 31 March 2023.

Our chairperson, Maggie Botham, delivered an annual report that:

  • Summarised another strong year of performance
  • Confirmed our strong compliance with the Scottish Housing Regulator’s Regulatory Standards
  • Provided an update on the work of the Management Committee during the year.
  • Gave details of the associations continued support to tenants experiencing financial difficulties
  • Highlighted the significant challenges presented by fuel poverty and the association’s excellent work in obtaining and distributing grant funding to all tenants
  • Thanked staff and Management Committee members for the hard work they do on behalf of tenants

Following this year’s election our Management Committee now has all fifteen places filled. At the AGM, 4 Committee Members were re-elected and two were elected for the first time.

The Clydesdale Tenants’ & Residents Group also held its AGM on the same evening. The Group’s Chair, Jeanette Arneil, presented a report on the last 12 months’ activities and issued a call for more members.

A prize raffle also took place with three lucky winners each receiving a £25 Tesco voucher

We look forward to our next AGM in September 2023 when we will be returning to Lanark Memorial Hall for the event.

Would you like to become a member of Clydesdale Housing Association?

We are always seeking shareholding members to ensure that we are representative of the people and areas we serve. Shareholding membership generates greater participation in the work of the organisation. Membership provides the opportunity to attend the AGM and vote for members of our Management Committee.

To join, you must simply complete a membership application form and pay £1. If approved by the Management Committee, you will receive a lifetime share in Clydesdale Housing Association.

If you would like more information about becoming a member, please contact our office to speak to Elizabeth Miller.

The minutes of our Management Committee meetings are available for you to view online at www.clydesdale-housing.org.uk/downloads/

Tenant Participation

We consider the participation and feedback obtained from tenants and other service users as a vital part of improving the services and accommodation we provide.  We continue to look for new ways to involve customers in our work – methods used in recent years include:

  • CX Feedback surveys (Text and email)
  • Customer Focus Groups
  • Telephone Surveys
  • Comprehensive Tenant Satisfaction Surveys
  • Postal Consultation Events
  • Local Resident Meetings to discuss local issues
  • Meetings with Registered Tenant Organisations

We ask our tenants how well or badly we are performing in tenant participation through a survey we conduct every 3 years. Tenants have told us that our performance has improved over the past 3 years:

Satisfaction Results
How satisfied were you with 2019 2022
Opportunities to participate in our decision-making processes? 99% 98%
The way we keep tenants informed about services and decisions. 99% 98%

We also ask tenants to identify their top 3 service priorities. The results of our last survey in 2022 are shown below. Our work over the next 3 years will reflect these priorities:

Repairs and maintenance 82%
The overall quality of your home 78%
Value for money for your rent (and service charges) 40%
Keeping you informed about their services and decisions 36%
The management of your neighbourhood 31%
Grounds maintenance to common areas 17%
Dealing with anti-social behavior 10%
Support and advice on claiming welfare benefits 6%
Support and advice on managing your money 1%

Registered Tenant Organisations

Clydesdale Housing Association works with tenants and other customers to improve the services we provide.

One of the ways of giving tenants a say in what we do is to meet with tenant representatives to discuss issues of concern.  Clydesdale currently has a recognised Registered Tenant Organisations:


Tenant Scrutiny Panel

We have established a Tenant Scrutiny Panel that meets regularly to review our services from a Tenant viewpoint. If you are a Tenant and wish to find out more, please contact us for more details.

The work of the Scrutiny Panel can include:

  • Tenant surveys.
  • Complaints, compliments, and comments.
  • Estate inspections and/or walkabouts.
  • Involvement and feedback from Tenants’ and Residents’ Groups and other community groups.
  • Focus groups.
  • Tenant led inspections.
  • Mystery shopping.
  • Tenant scrutiny panels.

Recent Tenant Scrutiny Panel Reports are available below:

Customer Service Standards Report – Tenant Scrutiny Panel – March 2019

Join Us

We are a Membership organisation, and aim to attract people from the communities we serve. We aim to establish a wide and active Membership by recruiting individuals with an interest in our work. We also seek to make effective use of the skills, knowledge, experience, and views of our members.

Our Membership is made up of people or organisations who hold a share in the Association and whose names are entered into our Register of Members.

We aim to make sure membership is open to all sections of the community we serve.

The following people are eligible to become Members of CHA:

  • Tenants of CHA.
  • Service users of CHA.
  • Other people who support the objects of CHA.
  • Organisations sympathetic to the objects of CHA.

Applicants for membership must be at least 16 years of age.

Applications for membership must be made by completing and signing a Membership Application Form. This should be sent to our offices along with the sum of £1.00 (which will be returned if the application is not approved).

Applications for membership will be considered by the Governing Body as soon as is reasonably practicable after they are received by CHA but will not be considered within a period of 14 days before our annual general meeting.

Approved applications for membership will receive a share certificate as confirmation of their membership by post and we will provide a free copy of our Rules to any Member who has previously not been given a copy.

Whilst it is CHA’s intention to encourage membership, the Management Committee has absolute discretion in deciding on applications for membership and the following shall constitute grounds for refusal of an application:

  • Where membership would be contrary to CHA’s Rules or policies.
  • Where a conflict of interest may exist which, even allowing for disclosure of such an interest, may adversely affect the work of CHA.
  • Where the Management Committee considers that accepting the application would not be in the best interests of CHA.

No Member can hold more than one share and Membership cannot be held jointly. Joint Tenants may become individual Members.

There will be no interest, dividend, or bonus payable on shares and shares cannot be sold.

A copy of our Membership Policy is available in the Downloads area.