Have your say! Tenant Consultation Deadline is Friday the 26th of January 2024.

We’re conducting a Rent Review so that tenants can have their say on the rent levels for 2024/25. Click here for further details on the options you are being consulted on.
There are several ways you can have your say, you can:
• Complete the consultation form in the newsletter and return it to us in the pre-paid envelope provided.
• Phone us on 0808 175 6288
• Email us at mail@clydesdale-housing.org.uk
• Online on our website at www.clydesdale-housing.org.uk/contact-us/
• Write to us at Clydesdale Housing Association, CHA Community Hub, 39 North Vennel, Lanark, ML11 7PT

If you are using a method other than the consultation form, please write or quote the reference number that can be found at the top right of the consultation form.

It only takes a couple of minutes and your feedback will be considered by the Management Committee before a final decision is made. CHA Rent Options 2024-2025